

Educational Series

Countdown is a global initiative to champion and accelerate solutions to the climate crisis, turning ideas into action.

TED engaged us to make 5 spots about the urgency of combatting climate change, to be produced in the similarly urgent timeline of 4 weeks, just in time for their global countdown event.

The spots were broadcast as part of the live event to 67 million viewers, and introduced by Mark Rufalo, Al Gore and Jane Fonda.


Why is the world warming up?

What is Net Zero?

Where does all of the carbon we release go?

Why is 1.5 degrees such a big deal?

Why act now?


Credits -

Client: TED
Directed by Giant Ant

Executive Producer: Teresa Toews
Executive Creative Director: Jay Grandin
Producer: Melissa Buisán
Creative Direction: Jay Grandin
Art Direction: Eric Pautz
Animation Direction: Conor Whelan
Scripts: TED + Giant Ant
Written Treatments: Jay Grandin, Eric Pautz, Conor Whelan
VO Talent: Kristen Bell
Music: Playdate Audio
Sound Design: Playdate Audio

Why is the World Warming Up?
Storyboards: Jay Grandin, Conor Whelan
Illustration: Eric Pautz, Hugo Baurens, Jay Grandin
Cel Animation: Ben Ommundson, Johannes Fast
2D Animation and Compositing: Noah Bavonese, Eric Pautz, Jay Grandin

What is Net Zero?
Storyboards: Esther Cheung
Illustration: Esther Cheung, Eric Pautz, Fabio Valesini, Jay Grandin, Louis Wesolowsky
Cel Animation: Johannes Fast, Hugo Baurens, Fabio Valesini
2D Animation and Compositing: Louis Wesolowsky, Chris Anderson, Eric Pautz

Where Does All of the Carbon We Release Go?
Storyboards: Conor Whelan
Illustration: Eric Pautz, Hugo Baurens, Oliver Sin
2D Animation and Compositing: Conor Whelan, Noah Bavonese

Why is 1.5 Degrees Such a Big Deal?
Storyboards: Eric Pautz
Illustration: Eric Pautz, Hugo Baurens
Cel Animation: Johannes Fast, Hugo Baurens, Genice Chan,
2D Animation and Compositing: Conor Whelan

Why Act Now?
Storyboards: Conor Whelan
Illustration: Eric Pautz, Genice Chan, Rafael Mayani, Hugo Baurens, Oliver Sin
Cel Animation: Ben Ommundson, Johannes Fast, Sitji Chou, Diego MacLean, Hugo Baurens, Genice Chan, Eric Pautz
2D Animation and Compositing: Shawn Hight, Chris Anderson